2nd City Tactical

Semi-Auto Handgun 1

This course will give you specific skills to use at the range. The Course will make you a more confident shooter. The student will take the next steps to improve marksmanship by learning new skills and techniques. The course is designed for beginner through intermediate shooters. Course has instructor lead skills development for 1 hour and a 45 minutes free shoot.

Required for Course:
Confident understanding of you firearm
Semi Automatic Pistol plus 2 magazines
Preferably you EDC (Every Day Carry)
250+ rounds of ammunition
Hearing + Eye Protection 

3 Hour Renewal Course

Class Description:

State-approved training authorized to offer the 3-hour Illinois Concealed Carry Renewal/Re-Certification class that is required to maintain an active CCW permit.

This course is for current Illinois Conceal Carry License holders; We will cover the following topics:
Updates to Illinois or federal firearms laws governing concealed carry in Illinois.
Updates on use of force laws and IL criminal statutes.
Appropriate and lawful interaction with law enforcement while transporting or carrying a concealed firearm.
Firearm refresher instruction to include a live fire qualification with a concealable firearm using a B-27 silhouette target consisting of a minimum of 30 rounds and 10 rounds from a distance of 5 yards, 10 rounds from a distance of 7 yards and 10 rounds from a distance of 10 yards.Type your paragraph here.

NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Course
A pistol, or handgun, is a firearm designed to be fired while being held in one hand.  While such firearms are small and compact, they can be the hardest to learn. With this course the students will receive the NRA's The Basics of Pistol Shooting handbook and intensive lessons in safety, gun handling, the various types of pistols, the fundamentals of pistol marksmanship, various pistol firing positions, several practical exercises on the firing range, cleaning, storage, and a summary of pistol sports and activities.

Course Goal
“To teach the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude for owning and using a pistol safely.”

Illinois Concealed Carry 

16-Hour Concealed Carry Course

Class Description:

This class will cover firearm safety, basic principals of marksmanship, maintenance and loading/unloading of a concealable firearm, all applicable State and Federal laws, and firearms handling.  All students who take the 16 hour class will receive two certificates.  The first certificate reflects completion of the NRA Basic Pistol Course.  The second is the Illinois State Police Concealed Carry Firearm Training Certificate.  If you decide to apply for a concealed carry permit, the NRA Basic Pistol certificate will satisfy the training requirements for some states' CCW programs.

This course may be taken with no previous experience and is the only training needed for the permit.  The course is offered over a 2-day period.  Range qualification is offered every week.

8-Hour Concealed Carry Course

Class Description:

This course is for those who have already completed one of the following courses: "NRA Basic Pistol", "NRA Personal Protection in the Home", or "NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home".  This course is also for you if you are an active, retired, or honorably discharged member of the United States Armed Forces.  Again, this course is only for those who have prior military experience or have taken and received a certificate from one of the above three listed courses.  No other course qualifies towards 8 hours Illinois Concealed Carry requirement.

Additional info on prior training can be found HERE

This is a 1-day course.  Range qualification is offered every week.